
Homework Policy 

1. Complete all homework assignments neatly and carefully.

2. Read and follow directions.

3. Keep homework in homework folder and bring to school daily. 


Seven missing homework assignments in one grading period will result in being issued a “3” for the study skills grade on the report card.

           Homework Assignments

Note homework assignments are subject to change based on the progess we make within the school day.   

Vocabulary Words: fierce, whips, echoes,shuffles,huddle,junior,down

Spelling Words: Spelling pattern: Long /o/ sound, gold, bowl, soak, sold, snow, loaf, roast, coast, scold, coal, slow, grows, snow, show Bonus: float, blow 

Monday: No Reading Homework, Math: Page. 5

Tuesday: Language Arts: Spelling worksheet p.20, vocabulary 19 & write a sentence using each of your vocabulary words. Math: Chapter 1 practice set (do not begin on chapter 2)

Wednesday:Language Arts: Spelling  p.21, vocabulary p.22. Math: Write your three times tables, three times. 

Thursday: Language arts: Spelling page.22 and Homograph worksheet p.27 Math. Chapter 2 practice set

Friday:Reading: Read for twenty minutes. Write about the story you read. Who are the characters, what is the setting, what is the plot? Math: PW.15-16



Please remember to sign your child's agenda everynight.